Thursday, April 8, 2010

إنّ اللّه جميل يحبّ الجمال

A first (but not last) computer-based painting.

It states a phrase from the Hadith:
'Indeed Allah is beautiful and loves beauty'
إنّ اللّه جميل يحبّ الجمال

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Abu Dhabi Civil Defence Logo Competition

I designed three proposed Logo Designs for a design competition held by the Abu Dhabi Civil Defence for volunteering efforts. All entries utilize the UAE flag colors (a requirement) and can be used as a badge.

For the first design, I made a logo showing two caring hands that are set against the city backdrop.

For the second design, I made a logo with it's shape is based on the official Abu Dhabi brand. A human figure is put in the center with outstretched arms, expressing pride and united efforts.

For the third design, I made a logo with a human figure with outstretched arms looking across the skyline, exuberating a sense of caring for the city. It utilizes the UAE flag colors and can be used as a badge.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Aston Martin One 77

1.5 hour Tonal-sketch of the Aston Martin One 77

Friday, January 29, 2010

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step

رحلة الألف ميل تبدأ بخطوة

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step

(Pen and Watercolor)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Travel Sketches

Below are three quick sketches I did on the flight back from Toronto to Abu Dhabi. (It was non-stop so I had lots of time to kill!)

First two are of two memorable sites in Toronto done in pen:

The former is shows Convocation Hall and a backdrop of the skyline behind the University of Toronto Campus.

The latter shows the Art Gallery of Ontario-renowned for it's interesting design--which I make it a point to pass by on my way to class!

Lastly, I did a tonal sketch of a Porsche Concept. It uses a similar template as the Audi Concept and Bugatti Veyron drawing I completed earlier.